
This page offers guidance on how to use Podcast Kiosk effectively. For further support, contact details are available to reach out to our team directly.

What is Podcast Kiosk?

Podcast Kiosk is a mobile app that serves as a player for podcasts. We provide a platform for users to explore and listen to a wide range of podcasts across various genres.

How does the AI recommendations feature work?

Our AI-driven recommendations improve the more you listen. The system analyses the podcasts you play, extracts relevant keywords, and uses this information to find other podcasts you might enjoy.

Is Podcast Kiosk free to use?

Yes, listening to podcasts on Podcast Kiosk is completely free. In the future, we plan to introduce a premium account that includes enhanced features like AI recommendations, but all podcasts will remain free to access.

What are the future plans for premium accounts?

We aim to keep podcast listening free. However, features like enhanced AI recommendations may be included in a paid account once they are fully developed. This helps us cover data costs without relying on ads.

What are the future plans for premium accounts?

We aim to keep podcast listening free. However, features like enhanced AI recommendations may be included in a paid account once they are fully developed. This helps us cover data costs without relying on ads.

I found a bug in the app. How can I report it?

We appreciate your help in improving Podcast Kiosk! If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, please email us at or use the contact form available on our app or website.

Does Podcast Kiosk own the podcasts hosted on the platform?

No, we do not own any of the podcasts. Podcast Kiosk functions as an RSS player that allows users to access and listen to podcasts hosted elsewhere.

Who is behind Podcast Kiosk?

Podcast Kiosk is developed by Thinkaholic, a Dutch app development organization dedicated to creating impactful apps and websites.

Can I suggest a feature for Podcast Kiosk?

Absolutely! We love hearing from our users. If you have ideas or features you’d like to see, please reach out via our contact form or email us directly.